2 Editorial Comments
3 Your Letters
5 News
7 Exploring Medicine: Metronomic Chemotherapy
8 Reviews: Dash: Bitch of the Year
9 Greyhound Humor: Knot Rite
10 House Calls: Itching for Treatment
15 Hero Hound: Jetta Sue Roo, a True Heart Dog
46 You're Invited
47 Marketplace
49 In Memoriam
13 Activities: Running to Fight Greyhound Cancer
17 Humor: Failing Fostering
27 Living with Greyhounds: The Wheeling Dogs at Home
29 Living with Greyhounds: The Greyhound of 50/50
32 Living with Greyhounds: The Greyhound: Pubs in an English County
35 Poetry: Sleep
35 Medical: Canine Blastomycosis: Walter's Story
40 Activities: Put that Needle Nose to Work
43 Think Piece: Three Legs to Stand On
21 Are Your Unreimbursed Fostering Expenses Tax Deductible?
24 The Greyhounds Always Win: The Ohio State Greyhound Program/Wheeling Island Partnership