3 From the Editor
5 Greyhound Bytes
9 Book Review: My Apollo By Carrie Noar
11 Ask the Expert: Separation Anxiety by Deb Levasseur, CBT
40 Hero Hound: Uno
54, 60 Greyhound Humor
65 Poetry: Ode to a Greyhound
67 In Memoriam
68 You’re Invited
70 Marketplace
15 Out of the Ashes
A fire destroyed the main building at Greys’Land, but could not demolish the heart and soul of the Georgia adoption group. By JoAnn Woodside
24 Canine Osteosarcoma: Part 1
This first installment in our two-part look at osteosarcoma focuses on current treatment facts and information you need to know. By Nancy Beach
35 Moving with Greyhounds
Moving across the country, or even across town, can be stressful for humans and Greyhounds alike. Veteran Greyhound owners share some tips from their recent
interstate move. By Dave Gillen and Lois Teed-Gillen
42 Emiliano’s Big Trip
It all started with the crash on Easter morning. By Marilyn Mathis
51 Exercise for Ex-Racers
A chasing toy that encourages vigorous play can be a positive way to interact with your Greyhound. By Mary Renck Jalongo
59 Is Your Greyhound a “Fur Kid?”
Researchers investigated the brain’s response to children and canines, with some surprising results. By Henry Townsend
61 Osteoarthritis: What You Need to Know
As many as one in five dogs could develop osteoarthritis, or degenerative joint disease, which can be treated with a variety of medications and therapies. By Dr. Kelly Diehl, compiled from a Morris Animal Foundation webinar