2 Editorial Comments
3 Your Letters
6 News
6 Greyhound Humor
9 Reviews: Greyhounds
11 House Calls: Has My Greyhound Lost His Mind?
14 Hero Hound: Dealer's Pool Patrol
16 Hall of Fame: TalentedMrRipley, aka . . . Twinkie Toes?
17 Hall of Fame: The Life of Ripley
48 You're Invited
50 Marketplace
51 In Memoriam
20 Does Your Adoption Group's Advertising Need an Upgrade?
22 Closing Our Hometown Track: The End of The Woodlands
28 The Woodlands Closure: A Trainer's Perspective
31 Taking the Kansas Dogs
19 Humor: The Greyhound Scream of Death
26 Living with Greyhounds: The Woodlands Dogs at Home
33 Living with Greyhounds: The Blackhound Who Followed Me Home
36 Care and Feeding: The Dangers of Retractable Leashes
38 Medical: The Saga of Petey: A Broken Leg Repaired
41 Think Piece: Greyhounds - Dispelling Common Myths
44 Crafts: Create a Greyhound T-Shirt Quilt
47 Poetry: The Attack