Back Issues - 2009

Spring 2009
Volume 14   Number 1   PDF icon spring 2009 (view/download pdf)


2    Editorial Comments
3    Your Letters
6    News
6    Greyhound Humor 
9    Reviews: Greyhounds
11   House Calls: Has My Greyhound Lost His Mind?
14   Hero Hound: Dealer's Pool Patrol
16   Hall of Fame: TalentedMrRipley, aka . . . Twinkie Toes?
17   Hall of Fame: The Life of Ripley
48   You're Invited
50   Marketplace
51   In Memoriam


20   Does Your Adoption Group's Advertising Need an Upgrade?
22   Closing Our Hometown Track: The End of The Woodlands
28   The Woodlands Closure: A Trainer's Perspective
31   Taking the Kansas Dogs


19  Humor: The Greyhound Scream of Death
26  Living with Greyhounds: The Woodlands Dogs at Home
33  Living with Greyhounds: The Blackhound Who Followed Me Home
36  Care and Feeding: The Dangers of Retractable Leashes
38  Medical: The Saga of Petey: A Broken Leg Repaired
41  Think Piece: Greyhounds - Dispelling Common Myths
44  Crafts: Create a Greyhound T-Shirt Quilt
47  Poetry: The Attack

Summer 2009
Volume 14   Number 2   PDF icon summer 2009 (view/download pdf)


2    Editorial Comments
3    Your Letters
4    News
7    Reviews: Soaring Cindy
26   House Calls: A Veterinarian's Perspective on Saying Goodbye
41   Greyhound Humor
46   You're Invited
48   Marketplace
53   In Memoriam


17   Black, White, and Grey: Spreading the News Locally
19   Sustaining Prison-Based Greyhound Foster Programs
23   Voices from Inside: Prison Greyhound Handlers Tell Their Stories


  9  Care and Feeding: MOM to the Rescue
11  Behavior: Decoding Pet Behavior
14  Think Piece: Doggie Discrimination - Black is Beautiful
29  Activities: Come Fly with Me
35  Activities: From Racing to Visiting: Taking the Therapy Dog Plunge
37  Poetry: For Zin on the Occasion of his 14th Birthday
38  Living With Greyhounds: "That's Boring" Or, Be Careful What You Ask For
42  Living with Greyhounds: A Shark Tale

Fall 2009
Volume 14   Number 3   PDF icon fall 2009 (view/download pdf)


2    Editorial Comments
3    Your Letters
6    News
8    Exploring Medicine:  Can your therapy Greyhound contract MRSA during a  hospital visit?
10   Reviews: Son of a Dog
11   Hall of Fame: My Laddie
22   Greyhound Humor
45   You're Invited
48   Marketplace


12   Free to Good Home: Greyhounds on Craigslist
16   Surrender Stories
21   The Penny War Fundraiser
23   Adoption Packages for New Adopters
24   Riding for Ex-Racers: GPA/Electric City's fundraising Ride
27   Gift Wrapping for Greyhounds


15  Poetry:  It Happens
18  Care and Feeding: Caring for Your Greyhound on a Budget
29  Activities: An Unconventional Plan for a Greyhound Park
33  Humor: Penelope's Paybacks
35  Crafts: Side-Button Greyhound Sweater
38  Living With Greyhounds: Leland's Quantum Leap
41  Think Piece: Another Downside to the Retractable Leash
43  Think Piece: The Woodlands Closing Revisited

Winter 2009
Volume 14   Number 4   PDF icon winter 2009 (view/download pdf)


2    Editorial Comments
3    Your Letters
5    Hall of Fame: On The Line, 1950s Champion
6    News
8    House Calls: My Greyhound's a What? Hermaphrodism Explained
10   House Calls: Yogi's Story
46   You're Invited
46   Greyhound Humor
47   2009 Index of Articles
48   Marketplace
53   In Memoriam

SPECIAL FEATURE: Greyhounds as Inspiration

30   Beautiful Obsession: How Adopting Greyhounds Inspired My Art
32   You Always Remember Your First
34   A Less Controlled Life
36   Luka Changed My Life
37   Inspired to Foster: Musings of a New Foster Mom
38   Inspired by Elvis
39   Giving to Others: Pet Therapy
40   A Very Special Treat
42   Remembering Ryce


26   The Greyhound Airlift
29   Is That Greyhound Loose?


12  History: Greyhounds in Art
25  Poetry: The Vacation 
44  Crafts: Greyhound Portrait Dishcloth