Owners Manuals
A Guide for the Care and Training of the Retired Racing Greyhound (pdf)
From the New Jersey Greyhound Adoption Program, Inc.
Greyhound Gang Manual
From The Greyhound Gang, Kanab Utah
Feeding a Retired Greyhound
Exerpt from The Greyhound Project's Speaking of Greyhounds, by Joan Martin.
How Safe is an Off-Lead Run?
Patricia Gail Burnham looks at the risks associated with letting your greyhound run off-lead.
Trust - A Deadly Disease
A warning to those of us who feel that our Greyhound won't run away when it is off leash.
Shared Wisdom from Greyhound-L
These articles open in Adobe Acrobat Reader in new browser window
General Information (Assembled by Lynda Adame)
Protect Your Greyhound In Your Vehicle
Article by Beth Levine from the Summer 1998 issue of Celebrating Greyhounds Magazine.
Simple Housebreaking
By Mary Ellen Shriver. From Greyhound Pets Inc.'s newsletter, The Greyhound Bark.
An Obedient Dog is a Happy Dog
... or why and how I encourage all dog owners to complete at least basic obedience. For those Greyhound adopters with only one or two dogs and who do not have experience in obedience training their Greyhound. By Audrey A Schneider.