Adoption group support
The Greyhound Project works to support adoption organizations through market research and its directories of agencies and haulers. We also produce desk and wall calendars for resale by groups. For more information or if you have suggestions on ways we can further assist adoption groups, contact outreach @ adopt-a-greyhound . org .
Best Practices for Hauling Greyhounds
The information contained in this document has been generously offered by those experienced in hauling Greyhounds. The Greyhound Project is grateful for the help compiling this information and hopes it proves helpful to everyone involved in hauling Greyhounds.
Adoption organizations and haulers may contact us at outreach @ adopt-a-greyhound . org for a list of haulers organized by geographic area.
April is National Adopt-a-Greyhound Month
Visit our National Adopt-a-Greyhound Month page for new tips and tools to promote greyhound adoption each April.